Monday, May 14, 2012

A Less than Formal Introduction

     Writing is something I love to do, it is my true passion in life. 
     And Life, a complex little thing we have found ourselves immersed in, is both a frustrating conundrum and a joyous thing to be a part of. I like to find myself in the latter form of life, but still find it quite intriguing to be a apart of the conundrum.  
     I have always considered myself a modest at best writer, but the important thing is that I like to do it and that is all that matters. I also have no delusions about the fact that while I do think I see life in an interesting way, I do not claim to see it in a better or more interesting way than anybody else. 
     And that has always been my biggest fear with starting a blog. How to be interesting without sounding like I'm trying to be more interesting than everyone else who writes one. And that is my pledge. 
     I won't. 
     I will simply write until my large and loving heart is content. 
     I have always been told that I have an old soul.
     And from me to you all, I will try my best to engage, entertain, challenge, delight, inspire, and interest you as any old soul would. With words. 

    I hope I can be as much as I would like to be for any readers, so please read and enjoy! 


    S.J. Hernandez 

1 comment:

  1. You have a gift mijo! I have the highest respect for you. I'm not surprised you have embarked on such a journey and am looking forward to your thoughts and outlook on life. I'm sure I will learn many things as you continue to share your gift of writing.

    Lvya, Tia Bebe ~
