Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mixed Race/Heritage Discrimination

Discrimination continues to thrive in society as of today, much like it has all throughout history.                   

In the modern era, discrimination is well documented, from African Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, and on. Even whites face discrimination on a daily basis on something that I see as a type of reverse discrimination. 

I have always personally considered myself to be a 'mutt'. I am half hispanic and half white, although if we were to be really specific I'd be part English, Mexican, German, Irish, and even Jewish (and no Jewish is not only a religion), and probably many others that I have since forgotten.

It has taken me many years to realize what has been in my face since I first entered society. I face discrimination on a daily basis. But this isn't just normal, by-the-book, stereo-typing. I, being of mixed heritage, have faced a very specific and hurtful form of discrimination. 

As someone from a single race background can explain, discrimination can be hurtful and tinged with ignorant ideals and pre-concieved notions. People often make fun of or bully people who have certain backgrounds and beliefs; certain traditions. And then there are people who have mixed backgrounds, such as myself, who have been at the tail-end of jokes and torments that suggest in a way, that being of mixed heritage, you aren't apart of either culture. The easiest defense of mainstream discrimination is pride. Being proud of your roots and where you came from. 

But it is hard and hurtful when the discrimination you face targets you in a way that implies that you have no place. Sure, while a person with this background may have unique traditions that blend from culture to culture, and cannot necessarily be placed in the same categories as normal traditions, does that mean that they should feel like they don't have the right to be part of either culture? Does that mean that they should simply lie down and be embarrassed to take part in any form of a culture that they are not wholly apart of? And what does lineage have to do with how dedicated and interested one can be in a certain set of traditions? 


Because in the end, the most important part of someones background is their attitude about it. Their dedication. Their interest in learning more.

Not whether they were taught to speak the language of one culture they are apart of. Not if they celebrate one tradition but not the other. Not the food they eat or the sports they watch. 

Discrimination is atrociously prevalent in this form and others, but it doesn't have to be. 
Be open-minded and supporting, not ignorant. 


S.J. Hernandez 


  1. I know this kind of discrimination exists, I have seen my boys endure it from time to time. Lord knows I may even have been guilty of it, you know sometimes we speak before we think.I think that's why the Bible tells us to be quick to listen but slow to speak. The hard part is putting it into practice. All I can say Steven is that I am so sorry you have been hurt by others ignorance. Never forget you are truly a loving,smart,kind,talented young man and that what you are inside is all that matters.I Love you more than words can say, Auntie,Chrissie

  2. This is my third effort in posting a comment. I hope it works! I'm so happy to see that you're writing! I think I should create a blog and we can comment on each other's entries! lol

    Yes, it's unfortunate that discrimination does exist. It's worse when its present in your own family, not only in regards to ethnicity, but rather in social class. I find this ironic since my family is not so high up the social ladder. It angers me to hear incidents of discrimination. It literally makes my stomach turn. I think the best way to respond to discrimination is to be true to yourself. Continue to carry yourself dignity, grace, and confidence. I believe when you fight it with solid actions rather than words, it will speak volumes. Unfortunately, there will always be some individuals that will be unwavering due to their stubbornness and ignorance.

    Steven, you are a sincere and generous person. I'm honored to call you friend. :D
