Saturday, May 26, 2012

Push Yourself!

     Often times, I have noticed that many of the best moments of my life have been a direct result of my positive outlook on life and optimism. There is one more aspect that I attribute this to though, and that is the bar I have set for myself.
     I have always tried to be the kindest person I could possibly be, generous and trusting. I look for the best in people and I think I often find it. But looking for the best in yourself is just as important.
     Push yourself.
     Be as good as you can be. Achieve what you want and act with kindness. Overcome stereotypes and preconceived notions. A lot of this has to do with coming through for people when they need you. It can be very easy to be selfish and make up excuses to avoid these situations, but it can be so rewarding to help a friend in need. If you believe in karma, then there it is. Come through for people, but also, come through for yourself.
     I am nowhere near experienced enough to say that I have accomplished this to the fullest, but it is a difficult feat. Its always going to be a work in progress, but one I find to be so great when I find myself on the right track.
     It is a good thing to have the standard of yourself; that bar. Keep it high and expect nothing less of yourself but the very best.

"The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms; and to confide in one's self, and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course"



1 comment:

  1. Well said. I really like the way you think Steven. I agree with your outlook in life. I think most peolpe have too little expectations for themsleves. Have you heard that we all have 3 "million dollar ideas" each year? If we were to follow through on just one, we would be monetarily successful. I'm not trying t say this is the most important thing in life, but just stating it to say we all have the potential to be so much greater. Most people set their expectations too low. I'm inherently a dreamer. I dream and dream. I lways try to see the best in people too. I forget who said so, but I have heard if you look for the negative you will find it. If you look for the positive, you will find it. It's all out there. It's a choice to view life in a positive or negative mindset. I say why focus on the negative? Another point: always put yourself out of your comfort zone for this is where we learn and grow! :D
